Indigenous Collaboration

For millennia, Indigenous Peoples have lived in balance with the natural world, and their intergenerational experiences and knowledges provide tremendous insight on how to navigate a changing climate and cultivate a cleaner and greener world. There is much to learn from the traditional and contemporary teachings of Indigenous Peoples. 

At PICS, we deeply value this Indigenous wisdom and believe it is critical for shaping just, equitable, and inclusive climate solutions. We are committed to Indigenous collaborations rooted in decolonial practices, which support truth, reconciliation, and climate action as shared priorities that encourage both cultural resurgence and planetary wellbeing.

By following wise practices — that weave different ways of knowing and being — we seek to invest in collaborations that honour and uphold Indigenous rights, self-determination, and ways of working that are guided by and contribute to Indigenous leadership. On this journey, we walk with humility, and will encourage initiatives that generate benefits for Indigenous organizations, Nations, and communities.

Siila Watt-Cloutier looks at the camera, smiling. She is colourful shirt.

Video: Siila Watt-Cloutier: Indigenous wisdom as climate medicine

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Siila Watt-Cloutier looks at the camera, smiling. She is wearing a white shirt with a navy collar beaded in a pattern of ulus.

Siila (Sheila) Watt-Cloutier named PICS Indigenous Climate Fellow

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A sea wall separates one body of water from another. Below, in white type, is the title "Living with Water".

Video: Planning for sea level rise on B.C.’s South Coast

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