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Climate-Smart Finance: Financial sector levers for advancing a low-carbon economy

May 29, 2024 @ 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

“While the Government has put forward a plan to underpin Canada’s transition [to a low-emissions future] – the Pan Canadian Framework for Clean Growth and Climate Change – and begun implementing key policies, the role of financial markets in driving this change has yet to be fully leveraged.” Canada Expert Panel on Sustainable Finance, June 2019.

Please join us for a panel discussion on Climate Smart Finance brought to you by the Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions (PICS) and the Centre for Social and Sustainable Innovation (CSSI) at Gustavson School of Business.

This panel of financial experts will discuss the critical role the financial sector can – and must – play to support the transition to a low-carbon economy and discuss the challenges and opportunities for investors, businesses, financial institutions and markets in the face of global issues such as climate change.

Based on their extensive experiences in aligning sustainable finance to environmental, social and economic goals, the panelists will share how they and other finance practitioners are channeling financial expertise and influence to support climate-smart solutions and offer Canadians more opportunities to connect their savings to climate objectives. This event will generate concrete next steps for key audiences including multi-discipline researchers and students, investors, finance practitioners, business leaders, non-profits and policy makers.

The event is open to the public, but registration is required:

IWFSAS is an annual conference that provides a forum for academic researchers, practitioners and policy makers to discuss current issues related to the design and impact of financial systems on stable, sustainable and inclusive economic growth.


May 29, 2024
12:00 am - 11:59 pm