Developing the next generation of lithium batteries 

UBC project works to improve battery safety and power.

Improvements in lithium battery technology have dramatically changed the capabilities of e-bikes and electric vehicles. Continuing to improve the capabilities of lithium batteries is critical to meeting emissions targets. 

Researchers at the University of British Columbia are using funding from the CleanBC Go Electric program from the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, administered through the Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions, to develop a new generation of lithium batteries that are safer and capable of holding even more energy. The project, Solid-State Lithium Tellurium-Sulfur Battery for Clean Transportation, aims to create a battery cell that is twice as powerful, smaller, safer, and cheaper to manufacture. If successful, the technology could help expand B.C.’s green economy sector and accelerate transportation electrification.

This project is supported by Zero-Emission Vehicles Project funding from the British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation. 

Researchers: Jian Liu, Wei Qu 

Collaborating Organizations: University of British Columbia, National Research Council Clean Energy Innovation Research Centre, Fenix Advanced Materials.