BC Wildfires

British Columbia has become ground zero for wildfire impacts… and solutions.

Wildfires are increasingly affecting the health and wellbeing of communities and life across the province. From dangerous air quality to the destruction of homes and towns, wildfires are a top concern. 

Fires have been a part of B.C.’s landscape since time immemorial and are critical to healthy ecosystems. However, colonization interrupted Indigenous fire stewardship, and a century of changes to land use excluded fire and industrialized forests. Climate change exacerbates all this and fuels the wildfires sweeping the planet. 

The Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions has been deeply involved in wildfire research for more than a decade.

PICS has supported numerous projects that aim to improve wildfire science and forest management practices, work to increase community resilience in the face of wildfires, and better understand the greenhouse gas emissions from wildfires.

Many of PICS-supported projects in this field include close collaboration with practitioners and Indigenous communities.

An image of trees, overlaid with the title "Sparking a New Narrative: The future of climate and wildfire" and showing photos of Kira Hoffman, Dave Pascal, Ian Mauro,

Sparking a New Narrative: The Future of Climate and Wildfire

  As part of the Royal Society of Canada’s 2024 Celebration of Excellence and Engagement, PICS presented “Sparking A New Narrative: The Future of Climate and Wildfire”, featuring PICS-funded fire […]

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An image of trees, overlaid with the title "Sparking a New Narrative: The future of climate and wildfire" and showing photos of Kira Hoffman, Dave Pascal, Ian Mauro,

Sparking a new narrative: The future of climate and wildfire

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Fostering skills, spreading expertise

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Dr. Anne-Marie Nicol presenting at a community conference in Gibsons, British Columbia on June 20, 2024.​

DIY resilience to air quality challenges 

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