Preparing for and adapting to sea level rise and flooding

How do communities on B.C.’s South Coast learn to live with water? 

Coastal cities in the Lower Mainland are facing sea level rise of one metre or more by the end of the century. Research shows that under those projections, coastal and river flooding in the Lower Mainland could displace hundreds of thousands of people and destroy thousands of buildings — unless evidence-based adaptation policies are scaled up. Because flood risks extend beyond any jurisdictional boundaries, evidence-based policy includes strong collaboration across communities.

One of the Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions’ largest research projects to date, Living With Water is focused on empowering communities living on B.C.’s South Coast to prepare for and adapt to sea level rise and flooding. Specifically, the project is developing new decision-making tools that support holistic and community-centred flood adaptations.

Researchers: Kees Lokman, Vanessa Lueck 

Collaborating Organizations: University of Victoria, University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University, University of Northern British Columbia